Saturday, January 25, 2014

Washer woman's words

where be mer
bottle of bluing

ye know, da one
tat's used to treek
yer eye in seeing
yellard stained
linens as pristine
fresh snow white

for tat bottle
with its little
ground mineral
will brighten dis
sullied soul tat's
been dragged down
to da gutter view

for tat bottle
wit its powdered
azure dust will
turn dis ragged
tone to petals
tossed in angelic
flight e'er white

treeky viewing
a hue from bluing

trading brittle
torn pages past
lessons from da
looking glass,
for glamorous tale
behind pale veil

trading veins
unfolding paths
once traveled,
for salty flats
wit aimless reaches
and barren fonts

eyes surmise
what's seen aherd,
dat's all dat's said
so a bit of
bluing for deir
viewing and need
not know true
yellar deir pristine
white as snow

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