Sunday, May 19, 2019


gray flesh surrounded
a thick suffocating cloud
the throng enveloped me
an applause filled my ears
of the flapping wings
beating the foul air
destroying the still
yet apprehensive twilight
this hideous cloud
had descended from
the obscure green glow
high above claw like
stone turrets rising
from the dark peaks
of the enormous fortress
that was to be my end
bony gnarled fingers
jabbed and grasped
at my shaking appendages
fumbling to take hold of me
and drag me to the hell
they stormed out of
my feet left the ground
as these ceaseless beasts
took flight with me in hand
horrifying speed and cruel
caress of the cold tore tears
from my clenching eyes
the miserable mess of wings
began their descent into
a large jagged gaping mouth
that was the fortress gate
past columns of emerald flames
and dark souls clad in even
darker metal armor suits
suddenly the pressure from
the bony gnarled fingers ceased
and I was thrown to the stone floor...

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