Friday, September 27, 2019

The burden of socks

the dryer signals
the clothes are done
she opens the door
to unload and
hundreds of socks
pour out on the floor

she hasn't a basket
it was left upstairs
she hasn't a shirt
she wasn't born with one

she burdens her arms
with the task of socks
that have walked
all over her

she holds the mass
while attempting to
shut the dryer door
as she needn't anymore
and only finds herself
stooping over to
pick up the next
sock that won't stay
within her arms

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Of dust

twisted tangled serpents
of the dark pierce
the broken facade
penetrating deeply
into the solid abyss
reaching for the earthly
hearth from where
mountains give birth
pouring fourth the
ageless glaze
a burning crust destined
to crack and wear
to dust
from where forests rise
and prairies graze on
the remains of that
ageless glaze
for death and worms
and countless turns of the globe
give birth to earth
the womb that nature pays
to seed with remnants
of that ageless glaze
for more twisted tangled
serpents of the dark
to pierce the broken facade

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The you pool

you were saturated
in its baptism of your body
and it dissolved your soul
into the hearts that still
drip with the loss of you

now you rest in its depths
riding each tide that brings
you so close and carries
you away so far

its trickles are your
hands cupping the cheeks
of those you touched

its drips your lips
kissing away the pain

its showers your giant
embrace still warm
amidst the numbing cold
and empty silence

you are now the pool
so many bathe in
in remembering you

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Celestial dragon

first cry ignition
the spark that set
the ember aflame
to awaken what
had grown cold and
shattered into
gleaming dust eons ago
now sparkles within
the pupil
what burns is only
what is lost
as the fire
from the celestial dragon
is within all
it dances within all
connects all
cloud to ground
planet to orbit
lover to lover
child to mother
its heat melts
away all insignificance
until we remain

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


you carved me with
time and persistence
being brutal and gentle
in bestowing me with
both strength and humility
you're slapped me
across the face
with stinging grains
of sand and beads of rain
exhausted me in
ravenous zephyrs of hellfire
and frozen me to my core
with screaming arctic gales
you've tickle me with
April breezes in
the warm May sun
and entertained me
with autumn dervishes
of dancing hues of leaves
you've give me breath
and have taken it away
and though I've never seen you
you are thair

Sunday, September 15, 2019

His waltz

he bleeds black in
moon light full
his heart emptied
his veins spill
his soul into
the dark sea of night
he forsakes his voice
and makes his choice
to dance with those
demons he had fought
those he often had sought
never being able to choose
of his favorites
slots or sluts or booze
how could he choose
and had had his fill
until tonight
when his veins spill
his soul into the night
he grabs the shoulder
of Beelzebub to
balance his stance
for he's not quite
ready to fall
though he can
barely resist the flies
persistent call
and the dark grows
darker as the abyss
blooms before him
his step, one, two, three
one waltz too many