Monday, August 28, 2017

Seluna's song

Seluna whispers in the cycles
journeys that begin again
tying events to a progress
giving order to the wind

Seluna dances with the dark
the cosmos is their floor
she's the tiny ring in a pool
that ripples to so much more

Seluna counts off infinite
in a maiden moon affection
waxing full to mother and
waning to crone reflection

Seluna spins through eternity
wading in the ebb and flow
she's the weaver of the seasons
when to reap, when to sow

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Morning star

morning star awakes
a thunder of light fills the heavens
with the opening of his eyes
to peer upon these souls
masked in earthen water wear
these souls in search of what was left behind
on the other side of the veil
the knowledge, the pleasure, the power, the wisdom
all of what many fall for
in their earthen water wear
as morning star amuses himself
in all these follies this side of the veil
and waits for just another one to fall
to add to the growing list
your Icarus, Phaeton, Eve, Lucifer

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Wandering wonderings

if you want the right pricing
for the right product you have
to provide the right number
will it rain, it's cloudy out
something they don't have
to ask down south right now
how can peaches come about
after sipping on cold coffee
stop breathing in the receiver
my ear is right on the other side
the sun is coming out now
think it will stay dry, for now
not like the poor folks down south
it's high time we quit holding
our breaths in an odorous public
restroom and break out the bleach
why do teeth bite the inner cheeks
that shield them from the world
sucks being blind from the world
due to the blinds on the windows
just living up to their names
just living up to their names
okay, that wasn't a squeaky chair

Friday, August 25, 2017


"I'd rather be gardening"
a mental bumper sticker
I post to the back of my head
while I listen to people

their credit card numbers
too eager to slip from their lips

their minds not quite able
to wrap around what a billing zip code is

their unwillingness to help themselves
while they spoon feed their complaints

their randomness in thought that
results in me logging RFC as:
"No reason listed"

no reason indeed

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mind bomb

my head bloomed
and grew wings
and detached from my neck
to fly off into the clouds

it rose past mountains
whose rocks only
weigh them down
from reaching any further
and bursting the Earth's bubble

it soared past planes
full of people escaping
whatever they found
so unbearable in their lives

it waved goodbye to
the arachnid astronauts
who like to weave their
webs in the outermost air

it was then absorbed
into the sky beyond
the sky and swam through
emptiness and vastness
until it reached eternity
where it exploded
just in the nick of time

Monday, August 21, 2017

First mentioned

and the gates were opened
not to let another in
but to prevent the rest
from staying
the throngs were emptied
out onto the land
that had been ravaged
by the beasts with
savage hearts
and the beasts were
put to radiant sword and
laid low upon the earth
the throngs spared
not one of the beasts
with savage hearts
and stole up into
the sky all those
whose hearts bore true
in the fiery hands
of the throngs
and the land stained
with the blood of the beasts
began anew
in the idleness of those
taken to the sky
to bear again the spirit
breathed upon it

Sunday, August 20, 2017


the night will swallow you up
muted sounds will reverberate
in your soul as your body takes
in the dark you will drown in
gentle light of stars once known
will hold you as you pass away
not even the moon has risen
to show you a fond farewell
the frozen night will have to do
its hollow canvas your shroud
to bed you in your quiet grave
you needn't anymore than this
to fall into the unknown now
for soon, so very soon after
what's known will be gone
as you close your eyes and

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Chinese lanterns

in the evening
of summer
under August moons
revelries of those
unseen chase
through the grass
and the unseen
become present
by the light of
Chinese lanterns
the tiny lights
are carried off
into forest depths
to pass under
fern fronds and
over lawns of moss
to the ring of
ivory toadstools
illuminated by
the light of
Chinese lanterns
mystery begins
the dance with
magic and wonder
cuts in now and
then through the
peeping eyes
of quiet children
as they sit and
watch the revelries
of those unseen
who become present
by the light of
Chinese lanterns

Friday, August 18, 2017

Siding with sunflowers

from my car I watched a woman
walk her dog this morning
through an overgrown field
and she came to the edge
purposefully like a bee
driven to the towering sunflower.
her dog wanted to venture further
and tugged at the leash
but she tarried at the giant.
on the radio played
some disturbing composition
from the early 20th century
so apropos for the botanical
Hitchcock horror playing out
in front of my eyes.
the woman grabbed the giant
by the throat and bent one
of the slender arms down
to the level of her wicked eyes.
she then started to tug at the branch
to pluck the flower from its stem
and struggled in keeping her dog
from bounding fourth while
she sought her floral plunder.
using a key as a makeshift blade
she tore through the stem.
I thought to myself how she
would like it if someone was to
bend her over and saw off her
genitalia with a makeshift blade.
after severing the flower
she sauntered back through
the overgrown field with her mutt.
"I hope it's full of ants!"
I muttered through gritted teeth.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hun's hymn

the call out in the dark
haunting songs of a loon
these he dances by
the vacant heart of Hun
he is only emboldened
by the light of the moon
this he dances in
the vacant heart of Hun
for fearful cries at night
one will hear very soon
these he thirsts for
the vacant heart of Hun
as twilight steals the day
and midnight is his noon
the dawn he dreads
the vacant heart of Hun

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Lovely skin

lovely skin,
my shadows
to lurk in
and under.
to be the
breath last
the moment
a regurgitation
of mistakes.
the broken
record played
even after
the last day
spent in hell.
the assumption.
the herding
of humans
into dark and damp
without their
that lovely skin
that keeps
their hope alive.
to hope they
may differ.
they may be
separate and
the lovely skin
without that
strips them bare
to bleed into
the pool
they all swam in
and knew of before
their lovely skin.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

In August

I can only be there
and hold him
and caress his hand
and listen
to his loss
to know his grief
and who is missing
and why he's missed
I can only know
how he's touched his life
and so many others
how he shone when
he was present
how he was always ready
to help anyone and everyone
and how he wished
he had his help now
even for just a minute or two
to hold him
and caress his hand
and listen

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hibiscus and gravy

you didn't stay long
folding your scarlet napkin
and tossing it to the ground
the lunch was short
but worth every sip
I drank of you

Cloud drift

some man stared down at me
as I watched him pucker his lips
he turned his eyes to
focus on the end of his nose
and transformed his
face into a baboon's
as he faded into the ethereal
another man's face came to be
right to next to him
with muted features
but didn't stay long
a giant baby chick
began slowly sailing by
and in the distance
a cat peeked around
the corner and wore
a dragon smile
I don't think the chick
knew about the cat
when they both
swirled back into the ocean
they were created from

Friday, August 11, 2017

Kim don ick

the toddlers have guns
loaded guns
everyone look away
we wouldn't
want to upset them
as one of them might
pull the trigger

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Ode to ya'll

idleness, the chair
I uneasily sit in
time, the bottomless
glass I sip from
boredom, the friend
I wrote to advise that
I can't keep our prior commitment
words, the bowl
of chips I snack on
poetry, the spicy salsa
I dip from, yes double dip from
365 days, the vodka
to loosen my lips
to pour out my soul

Don't blame chaos

don't blame chaos
for it cannot build
to a climatic point
it's not in its nature
to fulfill prophecies
of end of times
or bring about a
specific calamity
it is way too busy
being random at
uncertain intervals
if you look to the end
you won't find chaos
for it would have
already finished it
before you could see
and began and ended
again a hundred times over
don't blame chaos
if you feel enslaved
blame order and control
that enslaves the fear
you're so afraid of

Monday, August 7, 2017

The reach

that which reaches
inside and lingers
to spur a wonder
to hold attention
to cause reflect
to churn the yearn
that has dwelt
within these halls
long before it
was ever known
much longer before
the thought was sown
within these walls
that they flow
instead of stand
and yield instead
of hold their own
and shake to crack
and burst open
spilling all within
out into emptiness
so that stars know
seas and trees know
time and words know
silence and heat knows
pain and loss knows
existence is that
which reaches inside
and lingers there still

Et tu

it was a scream to
freeze your soul solid
as I drifted from a sunset filled
park into the dim lit
corridors of terror
the flash from my camera
was the only light
to reflect off the pale flesh
of the slender figure cornered in the dark
it towered over my cohorts
who knew not that it lurked
behind them and I was
vacant of voice to warn them
it was a scream to
throw you out of your body
and I plummeted into
the ocean my fears were
suffocating in to only find
myself in the same position
my cohorts were in previous
yet when the long, bony
white fingers crept over
the temples of my skull
I was instantly at peace
and a warmth was behind me
while a voice boomed
within my brain to my
shock and uneasiness
and I uttered in exchange
that we only use our ears
to hear these words or else
our hands can communicate
and the voice came again
and though something was said
I cannot say any words existed

Saturday, August 5, 2017


hold me in your stoic arms
as I shed the form I chose
these feathers weren't meant 
for the flight I'm now in
they must remain with you
in your subtle changes
that time often overlooks
I leave the tears of my body
embedded in your porous flesh
a drink you can raise your glass to
and remember me when
I've blown away with winter

Friday, August 4, 2017

Turvy George

belly up
quite right in this world
the topsy-turvy
becoming more tipsy
than topsy
and drunker the drinker
who drank this drink
and drinks until
they sing to the sink
belly up throw up
for nothing can
be kept down
not what's served
from the turvy crown
yet we only puke
and only will continue
until someone dares
tell turvy George
his piss has turned blue

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Yenuta's hymn

the fluid weather ways
of slithering Yenuta
who flies through clouds
in his serpentine chariot
his winged snakes strike
the earth in flashing fright

when he grows restless
his mood turns dark
and thunders within
his cloudy temple home

when he is distant
life recedes from green
and thirsty prayers are
raised to his temple home
in hanging gourd vines

the fluid weather ways
of slithering Yenuta
who pours down onto
his brother's flesh
to renew the life
the battle of this world