Monday, August 7, 2017

Et tu

it was a scream to
freeze your soul solid
as I drifted from a sunset filled
park into the dim lit
corridors of terror
the flash from my camera
was the only light
to reflect off the pale flesh
of the slender figure cornered in the dark
it towered over my cohorts
who knew not that it lurked
behind them and I was
vacant of voice to warn them
it was a scream to
throw you out of your body
and I plummeted into
the ocean my fears were
suffocating in to only find
myself in the same position
my cohorts were in previous
yet when the long, bony
white fingers crept over
the temples of my skull
I was instantly at peace
and a warmth was behind me
while a voice boomed
within my brain to my
shock and uneasiness
and I uttered in exchange
that we only use our ears
to hear these words or else
our hands can communicate
and the voice came again
and though something was said
I cannot say any words existed

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