Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The longest night

 it's always Christmastime on the streets

the flashing red and green

on cold wet pavement

await the arrival of passing sleighs

full of presents going somewhere else

for someone else

yet spirits are merry

in the bottom of bottles

or rolled dollar bills

and magic's in the air

between puffs of smoke

and little crushed pills

but the needles don't sew

or mend worn out coats

flames flicker in makeshift hearths

to warm frozen hands

the warm glow keeping

the longest night at bay

until slumber calls

and the dreamer is tucked in

fresh fallen snow

a blanket to hush the harsh words

of the bitter northern wind

Thursday, December 10, 2020

How will you use my bones

I've left them behind

whether I've forgotten them

or left them on purpose 

is for you to decide

but they're there

buried deep inside of you

not inside any soiled grave

or carved stone tomb

I gifted them to you

before you were born

whether they're a burdened curse

or blessed legacy 

is for you to decide

but they're there 

dancing deep inside

they can build ladders 

on which you can climb

to other times beyond plagues

they can be planted and grow forests

in which you can lose yourself in

away from disillusionment and tyrants

they can be used to beat drums

to revive the heartbeat inside this world

that is fading from all of our ears

they can build bridges that were always there

but just were hidden in a fog of difference 

they can be struck and ignite

and burn so very hot within

until they engulf not only you but it all

they can do most anything 

as they came from everyone that came before

but how you will use my bones

is for you to decide

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Thieves in the night

 those who linger from the skies

angels of old who

bathe in both truth and lies

their eyes that freeze the soul

that steal the air and sound

in midnight lights 

and sights words fumble with

their chariots are the same 

that forgotten gods crashed

into the earth

the same that gave birth

to heavenly ascensions

and countless faces never found

after being printed on milk cartons

the stolen lives and celestial bribes

that crowns have banked

to say who exactly gets into heaven

heaven, they may name it

yet fires burn there in dark skies

these fires that know not no

will accept only their bidding

these wingless gods who fly

surely they know what's best

let time be the blade to their throats

let that be the test