Thursday, September 6, 2012


In thought, has mankind succeeded?
As philosophy and religion can be oil and water,
is their a divine reasoning unmoving to emotion?
Is it not better to let facts sway an opinion,
for there inlies the truth of the matter?
Other conjurers however employ emotion,
mainly fear, to sway opinion, especially over the masses.
That is why hell has been so successful as an imaginative locale.
What difference lies in priest to dictator?
What difference is there in religious faith to scientific theory?
These theories sometimes prove to be ultimately true
and do so by fact in such persuasion.
What has religion's faith proved truth by fact
and not by emotion or other truth-adulterating perversion?
It has proven that human thoughts can be easily skewed
so as to go against their own nature and each other.
When one is led by emotion, one ceases to be the intellectual
version of a homo-sapien modern man, or woman, has come to be.
All that has been granted to humans over the millennia
will be wasted once man reverts to acting emotional instead of rational,
and yet it is seen the world over in temples, mosques, and churches.
Yes, religious activity has become a fraction of the human experience,
but such a fraction has been a recurring plague of ignorance and rage.
It has gouged the eyes of national leaders to see pure and evident truths.
It has prevented humans time and time again from advancing
in technology, medicine, expression, and simply thought.
In this I conclude that mankind has failed as a whole in thought,
and will continue to as long as unintellectual faiths reside with them.

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