Friday, August 9, 2013

Jargon jaunting: part time

Begotten of this prolong notion
and string-along emotion
is a lifelong devotion.

Is it such a crime
to be immersed in rhyme?

Sublime are the times
spent in birthing rhymes.

'Tis a melodic chime,
a fresh nosegay of thyme
to swim in the waves of rhyme.

An escape from mundane grime
is the moment spent in rhyme.

One can clear their throat of slime
by sputtering out a roaring rhyme.

As there are mountains to climb
and bravery and courage to prime,
so it is to sit and write out a rhyme.

To have lemon with no lime
is to have reason with no rhyme.

Thus invested are they and I'm,
poets who choose the directing rhyme.

So go and spend your shiny dimes
on all the silent Parisian mimes.
I'll stay here in these trying times
and work out more relentless rhymes.

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