Wednesday, January 1, 2014

And thirteen bowed

carniver - us
the cadaver dipped
in batter, fried in
an oily lather for
folks at the carnival

sublime slime oozing
from grins reveling
in the levels layered
throughout, exuding time

screaming clowns -
years neared and veered
to and from the hazy
maze that is the brain

wincing strong men -
moments in show tents
when strength eddied
down porcelain toilets

cackling ladies with beards -
hours of nosegays in
flowers, soaps and hopes
for friends beyond ends

studious jugglers -
minutes of print us,
them or him placing
pen to paper, shaper of words

the birds and cards and
wands and rabbits, habits
of magic sliding out of cuff
and collar to a tedious scholar...

ravenous fire eaters -
flashing seconds, beckons
the two flames floating in
a night beyond twilight

to thirteen cars along the rails
was added one, empty to tempt
thee to know, but for the show,
what's certain is behind the curtain

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