Friday, August 26, 2016

The driving of oneself

someone else drove me
home the other day
I wasn't there for
the depressing of the
brake in front of red lights
nor for the acceleration
for the greens and even
I think the yellows
I was too preoccupied
by a too talkative grip
describing an ice pick
or perhaps even an ax
merely a suggestion of
such an instrument driven
into the left side of my skull
at a 45 degree angle
slicing into the back of my eye

someone else drove me
down the streets to home
while I waited with my
hand clutching the lips
of that over talkative grip
with its stabbing whispers
my hair was combed by
the traffic breeze as my
absent head rested on palm
to wrist to elbow through
the windows when that grip
would find itself speechless

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