Sunday, October 9, 2016

Night visit

not a hellish host
nor a pantheon of pain
savoring demons
but just one
lonely imp yearning
for a bite
into misery

it first scampered
down the hall
and clung to the
door frame with
its claws digging
into the wood

it then bolted under
the bed where
it started to dig
through springs
and foam and other
mattress mess
until it reached the pillow

it soon sank
its teeth into hair
and scalp and skull
gulping all it could
and crawled into the brain

it nestled there
pulling on the tangled
veins and cords
and relished the warm
bed within the head

its host was jerked
from sleep with
screams of tormenting
pressure as the imp
reclined with its feet
thrust behind the eyes
and the constant gnashing
of the imp's sharp teeth
clinched the poor host's
temples tight and bound

the strike of one
then two, three and four
were decades in this
pit of pain the imp so
savored deep within
only when the strike
of seven when the light
shown down from heaven
did the imp screech in fear
and fled from the aching,
marred and afflicted head

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