Sunday, November 10, 2019

A warlock's musings

spells were always more
efficacious than prayers
to this tidal pool heart of mine
whatever the world rained
down on my doorstep
would fill my vessel full
until it emptied again by
the small sliver of a crack at the bottom
thus the river of time flowed
through my soul carrying
away any ideas of solidity
it echoed the barren land
the winds entertained in my childhood
which were the first forces
I discovered with incantations
but how could I ever cast
for my heart's desire when
it always had a new visitor
knocking at it's weathered door
I had to look beyond this
form, this self on this earth
taking this breath, sipping this drink
I had to pull at the roots
to shake the lofty crown
to release the burden of wants
and surrender to the will of it all
letting the river of time
the ocean of existence
drown me in its tides
so the saturation of enchantment
made magic as free as
opening my eyes and waking up

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