Monday, October 26, 2020


in the steps one takes to the sea
those taken back to forgotten fins
and amoebas dreaming of the sky
time's hands momentarily pause
to tock their ticks and to count
a dozen or two down to one last second
this second when we watch Nero
beckon for Caligula's resurrection
the tears that will be shed will be
the blood of so many yet to come
spilled out on the pavement 
where barren lands give birth
to skin draped skeletons
these forgotten children
whom angels have abandoned
will only thirst for neglect
and only hunger for shadows
that hide them from themselves
they will wander through lies
that bellow forth from behind columns
and take flight in ravenous crows
these devious tempests will toss
Eden's offspring into the abyss
as Caligula's horrific glory
shines down from obelisk heights
Nero will be but a memory in
the geoluread dust contaminating 
the air and adulterating breath
stifling of the cries for justice will be
taken in the wind away from the asshats
that gobble their grisly suppers before
the horrific glory of the now risen Caligula
one by one truths will turn to stone
waiting their turns to be pulverized
by the scepter of Caligula's tongue
one by one every answer will be questioned
every star will fall from its celestial space
every tree shall fall, every speech will go unspoken
until darkness and silence shall robe Caligula
and strip Eden's offspring of everything 

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