Sunday, February 28, 2021

Eight years ago

 it was so late

yet it was the perfect timing

any second more 

we couldn't have suffered

I finally felt what it was to be you

and that you are so much more

and who knows who had 

the more daunting task

for you to impatiently wait

for me to impatiently drive

five hours into the north and dark

but our bodies met the bed

and when my forehead met your cheek

that bright spark lit up our eyes in the night

neither of us wanting to sleep

as this dream was too much to give up

savoring the sound of each other's breaths

we melted in our heat 

and waited for the clock to tell you

you had to get ready for work

the smell of fir and acqua di gio mingled

in our realization that morning

we had rescued each other in this life

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