Monday, March 15, 2021


 the struck match

fire eating newspaper 

wood of pine or cedar crackling 

its essence through heat and steam

opening the door to home

after a week long trip

pulling sheets from the wind swung clothesline

stretching the outside air across the mattress

as sun heated linen unfurls sun into the bedroom

pouring water over man's best friend

as their oils try to ward off the shampoo sheen

first of daffodil cups to pour out its ambrosia

spring rains soak old wood and leaves

the fresh wet earth 

as mowers lay down the lawn 

head laying against lover's chest

as hair, soap, clothes and eau de toilette slowly dance before their eyes

fallen apples fermenting in the October sun

the closet that houses grandpa's tobacco drenched overalls

and granny's coat whose pockets held wintergreen gum

the kitchen after the sink drains from washed dishes

and the floor has been mopped with bleach water

and the oven has given up its hot rolls or ham or chocolate cake

the cold and promise of snow in the air

a glass of sun drenched ice quenched tea

the house when it is lived in

the house when it is not

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