Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Fuhrer Fear

his robes move within shadows

well in fact his robes are the shadows

light doesn't last long in his presence

and he savors the smoke of an extinguished wick

one can look into a mirror in the dark

yet never see any reflection of his image

the empty unmoving void within that image

could be said to be his true portrait

but no one has ever set eyes on him to know

yet any one could identify him in a split second

most say he wears a personalized persona

for each and every living thing in the world

perhaps for every thing not living too

though Beelzebub's death mask is a favorite

he wears all the crowns of the hellish thrones

and even the feathers of certain heavenly hosts

judgement is his scepter and ignorance his song

and once the very hint of his melodic tune is heard

his stealthily planted bomb will soon explode

when his victory is gained all are found guilty

for all have responded and played into his unseen hands

and just as the first light sweeps the dark from the land

he will have vanished with his feast deep in his belly


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