Friday, October 13, 2023

The uninvited

 trauma is a sneaky bastard

that carries a knife behind its back

it will take that blade out subtly 

and decapitate you when you're not looking

to replace your head with its own

it will lie to all your friends

telling them you're too busy for them

just so it can keep you to itself

it will hurl stones at your family

so they will keep their distance

while it wines and dines you

to the bottom of a bottomless glass

it will start speaking in your place

cloning its temperament onto your own

you will become its patient for impatience

leaving a bitterness in your mouth

and a shattering chaos in your heart

it will shutter the windows to your soul

so you will only find disturbance outwardly

and not a note of peace from within

it will do all this so it may spread

as the viral illusive beast that it is

so you not only serve as its victim and host

but its most precious servant and tool

biding its time within you until

it seizes the moment to strike again

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