Sunday, February 9, 2014

Bottle in a genie

a loan, just a loan
can you throw
me a bone

this needs gold
and that needs...

silly me to think coins
come down from
hanging gray skies

or are found in
the morning...

do they even
accept these bits
and pieces deep
within my chest

always the same
their wish's name
always why they came
lame the game

a loan, simply a loan
was there anything
you have thrown

as you can tell
I am in my own...

help! if you can
as I tire of the throngs
rubbing my belly
as though I was
from some eastern land

I wish they'd see
the genie is already free...

sort of, because I
swallowed the bottle
a bit too much to drink
you might say

and there's the loan,
a mere loan
for though I'm
out here on my own
in the bottle still
lays my wishbone

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