Saturday, February 1, 2014

Off to school

chilly the wind of
early spring mornings
imploring rosy
cheeks on siblings and I

too long a walk
though it seemed
down a pebble paved
road the length
of our homeland

past neighboring
pens which caged
the animals that
captured a child's
avid curiosity

but there were
other things to
tend to then

finding our way
through tear soaked
views brought on
by the sting of cold

in the waiting
for a bluebird
with a giant yellow
body to carry us off
to the limits of
our silly little minds

in the waiting
we burrowed down
digging earthen chairs
in sides of the ditch
and ducked below
the cold wind's grip

in jacket or coat
huddled down we
waited to hear the
advancing diesel
engine roar and the
squealing brakes of
the giant yellow bluebird

for in there at least
was a bit of heat
enclosed from the
chilly morning wind

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