Sunday, April 27, 2014

Jargon jaunting: part blimey rhyme disease

it starts off with a wheeze
then a repetitious sneeze
next the verse comes in threes

it could have come from split-peas
or an ailment in a fateful breeze
blowing across the inner leas

the cause, one of those mysteries
perhaps contagious slimy lime trees
are the roots of the blimey rhyme disease

of course it might be cheese
or a sudden unexpected freeze
one or a combination of these

a suspicion of infected bees
that stung a meandering sleaze
who then passed it on overseas

from medic journals we'll squeeze
all cases, doctors, and their fees
related with the blimey rhyme disease

not the same virus type for pc's
instead a plague suited for fleas
or lyrical listens written to please

now this may set an unease
causing some to drop to their knees
while others spin into chaotic sprees

patience is needed with this reprise
and dealing with a grimy prime displease
as is this ridiculous blimey rhyme disease

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