Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wet wearing kiss

jagged meandering crevices
jutting through pavement
once permanent, now
another fleeting folly

web of cracks branching,
blue veining alive in
cement slice of cheese

instigating, the liquid
poured and drizzled and
caught and frozen

tapping fingers on oval
puddles, canyons created
by wintry reveling and
late freezing kisses

oval puddles blinking
with each drop, puddles
feeding creeping courses
through concrete cliffs

each drop its duty
to steal away the land's
booty in flooding flows
and out to salty sea

long the lick of earthy
skin for mineral spit
and muddy blood

yet slippery hooks have
will to carry any stones
that sit and tarry

wider and deeper and
more the cracks grow as
pavement yields its youth,
as earthen flesh grows old

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