Saturday, July 29, 2017

The grassy sea

are they demons
that drag me into the grassy sea
where remnants of vivid silks
and velvet are strewn
across the blades
the victims of the tempest breeze
that bleed out in the green
of earth and blue of sky

are they demons
the scents that lure
one into oblivion and memory
of life with wings
of golden dust
the nectar lust
sunrise glory fading into
the fields for ravenous feasts
at least of these
a sip, a drip on parched lips
that these demons
pour from their glamour cups

and their laughter resounds
in the calling lark and
humming bee
when their well is spent
and my despair has been
bought in full
yet I'm in their debt
for my thirst knows no end
in the grassy sea
they drag me to

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